Momento is a new AI-powered smartphone app, transforming everyday family pictures and social-media photos into powerful tools for cognitive health. Learn how it not only helps your loved one with Alzheimer's, but also everyone else in the family, as well.
You’ve made the difficult, necessary decision to move someone you love into a “Memory Care” dementia-care community. What are you supposed to SAY to them? How do you tell them they have to move? Here is a proven, three-prong approach to keep you out of hot water and save you both a lot of heartache.
Shoulder issues? Mobility limits? This durable little device helps more than one can imagine when reaching for a seat belt!
FILL A MEMORY BOX with photos and memorabilia of a person with dementia, then position it by their door. See it re-orient them, trigger conversations, make a doorway one's own, and mostly, stimulate memories of good times.
If you couldn’t see your mashed potatoes, you probably wouldn’t eat them. That's why what "The Red Plate Study" found was astonishing! Alzheimer's patients eating from red plates consumed 25 percent more food than those eating from white plates. Find out why.
In dementia, quality light improves mood, awareness and vision. Therapeutic lamps go further, reducing Alzheimer's agitation, getting sleep cycles on schedule and easing depression. See the benefits.
This grab-bar for cars makes getting in and out an easy affair. It glides into any door-latch. Its heavy-duty construction allows an elderly person to lean on it with their full body weight as they enter or exit their vehicle. Kit includes door straps for added ease.
PRODUCT OF THE WEEK: Caregivers love this pill box, as do patients and professionals. Simply fill it once a month. Roomy, simple, ingenious.
High sugar intake leads to insulin resistance, fatigue, concentration issues and increased risk of dementia. Get the dietary facts and see the book, "Upgrade Your Brain."
HOLIDAY TIPS: Celebrating at home or planning a visit? These important dementia-care tips can help make your holiday season the best possible.
Discover how CAPSLL's personalized interview experiences help families capture and preserve the cherished stories of loved ones facing Alzheimer's and dementia, ensuring their legacies endure for future generations.
VIDEO & ARTICLE: Mom is 95 with short term memory dementia. She's in great spirits but I really can't teach her anything technical, like dialing a phone. So I tried setting Amazon's ECHO-SHOW next to her rocking chair.