You Will Always Be My Girls
MUSIC VIDEO: Super Bowl Champ Ben Utecht got CTE Dementia at the age of 29. See his song and read how he asks Congress to tackle dementia.
MUSIC VIDEO: Super Bowl Champ Ben Utecht got CTE Dementia at the age of 29. See his song and read how he asks Congress to tackle dementia.
AS PROFESSIONAL sports teams battle concussion-dementia lawsuits, research confirms damage to the brain can persist decades after head trauma. Learn why and what to do.
A new Harvard study of 2,000 former NFL players shows one-third believe they have chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a neuropathological condition linked to repeated head trauma.
If you have been confused by the terms “dementia” and “Alzheimer’s”, or mistakenly thought that they were the same thing, watch this film. Knowing the difference can be essential.
October is Lewy Body Dementia Awareness Month! See what you can learn and how you can help.
A very personal and moving account of coping with the impacts of Lewy Body Dementia. Susan served on the board at the American Brain Foundation and is a prominent advocate for LBD and brain research.
There are no approved treatments for DLB, though it is the second most common type of dementia. Do drugs like donepezil hold the key?
Our change in diet has been proposed as being the underlying reason for the dramatic increase in the prevalence of Type II diabetes that we are observing worldwide in our time. What’s that doing to our brains?
Expert Dr. William A. Van Horn explains what is Lewy Body Dementia, and what you can do to maximize quality of life for your family and your loved one suffering with LBD.
Understand dementia better. Get helpful insights and key facts.
CBS VIDEO – MUSIC & SONG: One program is giving people living with Alzheimer’s a new and joyous way to step back into life, by literally giving voice to both patients and their caregivers. Dr. Jonathan LaPook reports.
Ketones are the brain’s back-up fuel, from birth till old age — even into Alzheimer’s.
DEMENTIA & HOLIDAY PLANS: Relatives with dementia may be frail or have special emotional, mental and physical health needs. Check out these ways to help them enjoy the holiday season.
Three important dementia studies focus on HS-AGING, a type of dementia almost as common as Alzheimer’s in the 85+ group. Yet few people have heard of it. Why? What makes it different?
An intriguing study of 120 grandmothers might surprise you. Doctors know socially engaged people have better cognition and less dementia. But can a person get too much of a good thing? What’s the right balance?
If you couldn’t see your mashed potatoes, you probably wouldn’t eat them. That’s why what “The Red Plate Study” found was astonishing! Alzheimer’s patients eating from red plates consumed 25 percent more food than those eating from white plates. Find out why.
Enjoy this great duet between a musician with dementia and his son. A triumph of spirit over Alzheimer’s! Sing-a-long if you like!
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