A year ago, we ran the second video on this page (below). Listening to the kids was so popular that we’ve added a second interview with a fresh crew of kids. Enjoy this new clip:
Despite the fact that so many people know someone affected, two-thirds of people living with dementia report feeling isolated and lonely.
In this video, kids ask people with dementia profound and funny questions to challenge misconceptions and show that people with dementia, although they have struggles, are still themselves and all people need to do is ask.
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Even in the later stages of dementia when having a conversation might become difficult, keeping in touch means a lot. Seeing friends and loved ones brings feelings of happiness and comfort, and the ‘emotional memory’ remains with people living with dementia long after the memory of the visit may have gone.
The UK Alzheimer’s Society works to improve the lives of those with Alzheimer’s and their families.
Kids should be allowed and encouraged to have a conversation with people living with Alzheimer’s.