Strokes often trigger Vascular Dementia and Mixed Dementia. Just how effective are vegetarian and plant-based diets in protecting us from these common types of dementia?
Watch this uniquely clear overview of the steps you can take to diagnose or prevent most types of dementia, including Alzheimer's.
VIDEO+TRANSCRIPT: What are the best food sources of lutein, the primary carotenoid antioxidant in the brain?
PseudoBulbar Affect (PBA) in dementia is characterized by sudden, uncontrolled outbursts of laughing and/or crying. Learn how Nuedexta helps people with Alzheimer’s and dementia affected by PBA.
At long last, we finally have a disease-modifying drug for Alzheimer’s. The FDA recently approved a new drug that promises to slow the progression of the disease. Only five Alzheimer’s treatments have been approved by the FDA up until a decade ago, and this is only the second to address the progression of the disease.
PBS MOVIE: Caregivers share their diverse experiences of caring for loved ones in the world of dementia.
FULL MOVIE: "The 5th Dementia" is a diverse music band of people with dementia. When the music starts, they are transformed, diving in with no sheet music. Watch powerfully personal stories reveal this inexplicable phenomena.
"SafelyYou" reduced fall-related emergency room rates by an astounding 80% and falls themselves by 40%. Learn how it saves dementia-care residents from a leading cause of injury and death.
As Mom can no longer speak and give consent, Saskia can't get power of attorney or access her Mom’s medical records. See Saskia explain the importance of early diagnosis.
Strokes are a leading cause of Vascular Dementia. Just how much does eating a more plant-based diet lower the risk of having a stroke?
Two wives caring for their husbands with dementia generously share their experiences and offer caregiving tips to those find themselves in a similar position with a loved one.
A first-of-its-kind music school has launched in Taipei, offering free lessons to older adults with dementia and other disabilities.