If you haven’t seen the movie, “Alive Inside”, you may want to click this link to watch the “Alive Inside Trailer” before watching the video below.
- Dr. Oliver Sacks, Neurologist & Author:
Alzheimer’s & The Power of Music - Director Rossato-Bennett:
Morning Music for Alzheimer’s Lasts All Day - TED Talk:
The Making of Alive Inside - FILM:
Alive Inside: The Alzheimer’s & Music Movie Trailer
Thank you Dan Cohen and Michael Rossatto-Bennett for showing people these transformations. May everyone try this at home too. It works to bring life to everyone: caregivers, the one they care for, and any who join their circle of care. Tryn Rose Seley, Author, "15 Minutes of Fame: One Photo Does Wonders" / caregiverheart.com
this is awesome…caregivers and those suffering from memory loss are benefitting from music, old photos and the FREE app stories etc . A group of gerontologists and caregivers in California are using stories etc with music and old photos to help those suffering from memory loss. Take a look at the FREE app http://www.storiesetc.com/
Everyone should see this film. It is amazing to see how something as simple as music can make such a difference in a person's daily life. Music is processed in all parts of the brain and we never totally lose those memories associated with our favorite songs. Using music to reminisce helps people remember themselves before dementia affected their memory. This film inspired me 2 years ago to create LifeSongs recordable scrapbooks. They are also a portable tool for those with Alzheimer's and their caregivers. Please learn more at http://www.LifeSongs.info and share all of this information.