Brain-Healthy Curry Chickpea Wraps
Turmeric, a main ingredient in curry, is the spice of choice in fighting and preventing dementia. It’s popular in India, which has one of the world’s lowest rates of dementia. Try this delicious curry-filled wrap.
Turmeric, a main ingredient in curry, is the spice of choice in fighting and preventing dementia. It’s popular in India, which has one of the world’s lowest rates of dementia. Try this delicious curry-filled wrap.
DIET & NUTRITION: ADNI (Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative) is a massive research project. ADNI showed fish oil supplements offer improvements in cognitive decline and brain atrophy. Learn how.
DIET VIDEO + ARTICLE: People over 85, with a cholesterol increase, showed less decline in cognition and thinking. Is there a good age to stop our statins and change diets?
QUICK HEALTH VIDEO: You CAN reduce risk of Alzheimer’s. Learn 4 ways to improve your brain and maintain long-term health. Numerous studies show you really can do something about dementia.
Researchers in Australia have discovered that taking sufficient Vitamin D can help stop Alzheimer’s. Learn more.
DIET VIDEO: The Nigerian Paradox wonders: Why are Alzheimer’s rates low in Nigeria, despite dangerous “Alzheimer’s gene” rates? Does Nigeria’s diet hold the key?
Strokes often trigger Vascular Dementia and Mixed Dementia. Just how effective are vegetarian and plant-based diets in protecting us from these common types of dementia?
CARE TIPS & TRICKS: Midnight snacks are great on New Year’s Eve and even greater on midnight dementia-care shifts. Learn how late-night munchies solved a nurse’s wandering & behavior problems.
New lab research shows high-sugar diets block brain cells performing anti-Alzheimer’s “housekeeping”. How strong is this diet-dementia link?
VIDEO+TRANSCRIPT: What are the best food sources of lutein, the primary carotenoid antioxidant in the brain?
Europe originally said Lecanemab (Brand-name Leqembi) was too risky to approve. Now they are recommending marketing it. Why the change of heart?
In the most difficult moments, Kindness heals and reassures.
HOME DESIGN: Use this safety checklist for living at home with dementia. It can alert you to potential hazards.
Three important dementia studies focus on HS-AGING, a type of dementia almost as common as Alzheimer’s in the 85+ group. Yet few people have heard of it. Why? What makes it different?
An intriguing study of 120 grandmothers might surprise you. Doctors know socially engaged people have better cognition and less dementia. But can a person get too much of a good thing? What’s the right balance?
If you couldn’t see your mashed potatoes, you probably wouldn’t eat them. That’s why what “The Red Plate Study” found was astonishing! Alzheimer’s patients eating from red plates consumed 25 percent more food than those eating from white plates. Find out why.
Enjoy this great duet between a musician with dementia and his son. A triumph of spirit over Alzheimer’s! Sing-a-long if you like!
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