Saffron Improves Alzheimer’s
DIET VIDEO: See the results of a full-blown double-blind randomized trial where saffron was added to a dementia diet.
DIET VIDEO: See the results of a full-blown double-blind randomized trial where saffron was added to a dementia diet.
J147 is a derivative of curry’s turmeric spice. It beat the Alzheimer’s drug Aricept (generic: donepezil) on several memory tests. The Salk Institute says it may benefit Parkinson’s, Huntington’s & vascular dementia.
CNN: Mike Carver got Alzheimer’s. His wife enrolled him in a clinical trial by the famous Dr. Ornish. After 40 weeks, all four of Mike’s cognitive tests improved. See CNN’s interview. Read trial details.
VIDEO + INFO: Cheaper than drugs, natural MCT OIL (Medium Chain Triglycerides) generates ketones, which can boost energy to brain cells in dementia. What are healthy food sources? How much is best?
ASTONISHING VIDEO & ARTICLE: Dementia-risk was tested for 17 sugar levels in 2000 people. Each higher level bumped up the risk, without exception. See why researchers found these results so compelling.
VIDEO + ARTICLE: Roasting coffee beans produces Phenylindanes, which inhibit tau and amyloid plaque, the two big culprits behind Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Learn how they defend against cognitive decline.
Alzheimer’s & brain insulin are so strongly connected, it’s earned Alzheimer’s the nickname, “Type-3 Diabetes.” Watch this eye-opening, entertaining video to understand the connection. Find out what you can do.
Dr. Dean Ornish publishes the first trial investigating plant-based diets fighting or reversing early-stage Alzheimer’s. The results are eye-opening.
DIET VIDEO: An explosion of research on the Mediterranean Diet clearly associates it with less risk of getting Alzheimer’s and lower mortality for people who have Alzheimer’s. Get the facts.
A groundbreaking study corrected the circadian disruptions seen in Alzheimer’s mice by using time-restricted feeding. This may improve sleep, sundowning, confusion and memory.
DIET RESEARCH: Learn how diet, exercise and watching your weight will prevent insulin-resistance, and as a result, protect your brain.
Memory is particularly vulnerable to the effects of insulin resistance, according to a 20-year study.
There is a significant and direct correlation between the health of our mouths and our
brains. Dr. Katie Lee dives into the research behind the mouth-mind connection, how to prevent disease, and best practices for overall health and wellness.
See joy shine in Mum, 87, despite Alzheimer’s, as her family transforms their home into Mum’s supermarket, stocked with grocery favorites.
Three important dementia studies focus on HS-AGING, a type of dementia almost as common as Alzheimer’s in the 85+ group. Yet few people have heard of it. Why? What makes it different?
An intriguing study of 120 grandmothers might surprise you. Doctors know socially engaged people have better cognition and less dementia. But can a person get too much of a good thing? What’s the right balance?
If you couldn’t see your mashed potatoes, you probably wouldn’t eat them. That’s why what “The Red Plate Study” found was astonishing! Alzheimer’s patients eating from red plates consumed 25 percent more food than those eating from white plates. Find out why.
Enjoy this great duet between a musician with dementia and his son. A triumph of spirit over Alzheimer’s! Sing-a-long if you like!
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This site was inspired by my Mom’s autoimmune dementia.
It is a place where we separate out the wheat from the chafe, the important articles & videos from each week’s river of news. Google gets a new post on Alzheimer’s or dementia every 7 minutes. That can overwhelm anyone looking for help. This site filters out, focuses on and offers only the best information. It has helped hundreds of thousands of people since it debuted in 2007. Thanks to our many subscribers for your supportive feedback.
The site is dedicated to all those preserving the dignity of the community of people living with dementia.
Peter Berger, Editor