“Ageless Grace” Keeps People with Dementia Moving
Denise Medved is the founder and creator of a program that takes Alzheimer’s patients through vigorous, spirited exercise routines. She calls her program, “Ageless Grace”.
Denise Medved is the founder and creator of a program that takes Alzheimer’s patients through vigorous, spirited exercise routines. She calls her program, “Ageless Grace”.
Lewis Hornby had a problem: his grandmother with dementia wasn’t drinking enough, causing her to get severely dehydrated.
Dr. Richard Taylor has Alzheimer’s and the right attitude!
When memory and thinking seem a little off, people tend to avoid getting a diagnosis. Yet early diagnosis allows for early benefits. These include better planning, treatment and therapy. Learn more about the advantages revealed in an important study.
Swedish researchers find that cholinesterase inhibitors provide cognitive benefits and reduce mortality for up to five years after an Alzheimer’s diagnosis. One medication significantly reduced the risk of developing severe dementia.
Vascular dementia is one of the 3 leading causes of dementia. When it appears together with Alzheimer’s, as it often does, it is called “Mixed dementia”. Learn what causes it and how to identify different types.
A beautiful song on living with Alzheimer’s. (Includes lyrics.) Enjoy.
Researchers find optimistic people contribute to the health of their partners, staving off risk factors leading to Alzheimer’s disease, other dementias and cognitive decline as they grow old together.
When a hurricane hits Florida — or anywhere that has a very large population of people with dementia, there are special preparations that should be made by those living with dementia. Check these dementia-in-a-storm readiness lists.
Bringing art and creativity into elder care settings helps families reconnect with loved ones who have dementia. In this moving talk, Anne Bastings shares how.
What is person-centred dementia-care? See how professional and family caregivers should apply it daily, when caring for people living with dementia.
Ambien (Zolpidem), a sleeping pill, was studied to see its effects on the brain. Learn to think twice before reaching for a sleeping pill – while you can still think clearly.
This is what it takes To be an Alzheimer’s caregiver.
Three important dementia studies focus on HS-AGING, a type of dementia almost as common as Alzheimer’s in the 85+ group. Yet few people have heard of it. Why? What makes it different?
An intriguing study of 120 grandmothers might surprise you. Doctors know socially engaged people have better cognition and less dementia. But can a person get too much of a good thing? What’s the right balance?
Enjoy this great duet between a musician with dementia and his son. A triumph of spirit over Alzheimer’s! Sing-a-long if you like!
It looks like a sneeze cannot give anyone Alzheimer’s. While Alzheimer’s abnormal disease proteins do spread from cell-to-cell, they are not “infectious”. Check out the facts.
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