Drop a Bit of Meat to Drop Dementia 13%
Replacing one serving per day of processed red meat with fish was associated with a 28% lower risk of dementia. Learn how.
Replacing one serving per day of processed red meat with fish was associated with a 28% lower risk of dementia. Learn how.
Why the big rise in Alzheimer’s? That is one of today’s great medical mysteries.
See a provocative theory about copper & Alzheimer’s in The Journal of the American College of Nutrition.
CBS NEWS – DIET VIDEO: One artificially-sweetened drink per day could double risk of stroke or dementia. See CBS Dr. Tara Narula discuss the brain-effects of diet drinks, with links to subsequent research reinforcing her claim.
CARE TIPS & TRICKS: Midnight snacks are great on New Year’s Eve and even greater on midnight dementia-care shifts. Learn how late-night munchies solved a nurse’s wandering & behavior problems.
BRAIN-HEALTHY RECIPE: Ring in the New Year in style and moderation with this tantalizing sangria.
Parvalbumin, a protein abundant in certain fish, blocks dangerous Lewy Body proteins. Learn more about it and which 4 fish are best.
DIET VIDEO: Lutein is the only food antioxidant “significantly related to BETTER COGNITION”. It also reduces dementia risk. Our brain sponges up lutein from our diet, way more than other brain nutrients. See how it works. Learn what to eat.
Ketones are the brain’s back-up fuel, from birth till old age — even into Alzheimer’s.
DIET VIDEO + ARTICLE: Walnuts fight Alzheimer’s in a big way in the lab. Learn how walnuts appear to have a beneficial effect in reducing risk, delaying onset, slowing progression and preventing Alzheimer’s.
THANKSGIVING BRAIN RECIPE: Make your pumpkin-pie a brain-healthy magnesium-pie. Try this “cognitively-correct” dish for dinner.
This is what it takes To be an Alzheimer’s caregiver.
See Harvard Alzheimer’s expert Dr. Rudy Tanzi and Deepak Chopra explore cutting edge research and insights on sleep’s capacity to prevent Alzheimer’s.
Shoulder issues? Mobility limits? This durable little device helps more than one can imagine when reaching for a seat belt!
Three important dementia studies focus on HS-AGING, a type of dementia almost as common as Alzheimer’s in the 85+ group. Yet few people have heard of it. Why? What makes it different?
An intriguing study of 120 grandmothers might surprise you. Doctors know socially engaged people have better cognition and less dementia. But can a person get too much of a good thing? What’s the right balance?
Enjoy this great duet between a musician with dementia and his son. A triumph of spirit over Alzheimer’s! Sing-a-long if you like!
It looks like a sneeze cannot give anyone Alzheimer’s. While Alzheimer’s abnormal disease proteins do spread from cell-to-cell, they are not “infectious”. Check out the facts.
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